Warning: The following may contain words that don't exist, are horribly misshapen or ill-used.
My my my what a day to behold. Well, day is not the word really, more a dark and captivating early evening spent in the deep cavernous 'tavern of theatro' in the resplendent decrepitnous of the Arches. I sat, my wonky chair in a puddle of water reflecting the dark brickwork that rolled above my head as myself and the expectant brethren of folks prepared for a few hours of burlesquian entertainment for the purposes of drawing.
Apparently the biggest Dr Sketchy session in the world - this may be a failing in disguise since a few folks on the outskirts couldn't get the detail of kinky nakedness up close. Materials also ran out due to the popularity of the event, but were gratefully replenished by the talented tap-dancing hand standing and stripping male model that was the subject for drawing in the first half. I have to admit I was mildly disappointed to get this comparatively boring offering for a burlesque drawing class, but to be honest, was very pleased to get the drawing practice in so that I was appropriately warmed up and prepared for the fabulous little number that graced the stage in the second half. I also reckon it's just a ploy to fish out the perves who're just there to slev or worse.
So after ‘bland boy’s’ session in his kiss infested, sorry, kiss print boxers, we had a break to get some drinking time in, sharpen our pencils, loo break for the bladderly challenged and sort out some more paper to draw on as preparation for the second half.
Appearing in black ballet point shoes with a spiked heel at the back, the Japanese inspired red and black PVC outfit of the tiny cabaret model crackled and squeaked as much as the giant red fans she flicked and cracked in her dance she performed for the gleeful onlookers. With delicate painted features and arched eyebrows she was certainly very striking, and anyone on the wrong end of those shoes would probably be just as struck.

Overall impression - for the virgin/beginner life drawer I think it would have been a fun filled and entertaining event, along with the intermittent 'drawing games' where you could win a shot (if you drank, or merchandise and free tickets to a show of your choice if you didn't).
However for the seasoned artist, it was merely a teaser of what could be done - poses were not long enough, and the hosts’ presentations were just in the middle of 'Should we be more debaucherous or Should we be more boring so that the audience don't get too turned on?' The male host’s suggestion to sit down in front was tempting if it wasn’t for the damp concrete and/or sitting on a chair and getting your fat head in the way of people behind.
Also, as pretty as the female host's voice might be, her live rendition of the song 'Valerie' should be left to Amy Winehouse, especially when trying to copy her note for note and failing.
Regards the choice of music they chose for drawing to, it seemed appropriate but I can't make much comment on it since I was too busy drawing to take notes.
The audience themselves were a great mix of old, young, student, professional, eccentric, unassuming, casual, Goth, Emo, arty; some members could have happily posed on the stage themselves.
Would definitely go along to the next one as it's a welcome break from the norm.

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