Friday 18 April 2008

The Mighty Naked, Al Seed, and Andy Arnold finally leaves the building

It's 3am Saturday morning and I've got a bucketload of things to do 'tomorrow'. But it's been 2 weeks of creative, organic, improvised, inspiring bliss bliss bliss.

Don't know if anyone actually reads this blog. But to be on the safe side I try to bleep out the sweary words incase any of my students ever read it. Ay yes, did you know I've been a teacher? And a Drinker, a Smoker and a Joker? Those were the days...

LAST night was great. Andy Arnold, Creative/Artistic Director/unboxable renegade arts wizard was finally getting the 'boot oot' of the Arches, the very place he set up and cultivated 17-ish years ago.

'Wee Hard Man', or 'Norman Wisdom on Speed' as a particular critic Joyce McMillan once titled him, was lauded by friends, contemporaries and peers alike in the tremendous decorated setting of the last arch. A most splendid 'Ciao Dahling' party tripped the light fantastic after an excellent 'Scratch' line up. Andy Arnold; he might be just up the road, but it would appear that he won't be able to be extracted out of the Arches' fibres as easily as the tramps' piss that leaks in most nights.

Tonight - a different night - I was in awe of the theatrical might of Al Seed. Lovely chap without the makeup and fearsome round belly, but in character - WOW! I could draw him for HOURS. Yet, I found it bloody difficult - watching him transport the audience in the spotlit blackness, you could hear a pin drop, and certainly some sketchy wee artist scratching away with her pencils...

And yet after all this excitement, I find myself head back, yawning and touch typing on a grand scale. Probably loads of spelling errors. Nope, just checked. Time for bed young-ish Soep.

Got some Soeperb drawings of Ann Liv Young and her troupe of naked, strap-on toting, mask wearing, body bumping and grinding, bitching and some obscure Frenchish language. Happily drawing away on my big whiteboard of people and memories of the Arches Theatre Festival, which are many, and quality, and good. Getting a 'season' ticket is most definitely worthwhile - it's a bloody great festival, and the initial encounter of the feast of visual and brain slapping delights are enough to get you reaching for the mighty goose feather simply so you can sample the next course of many.

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