Steven Anderson 19.05 - 15 minutes
Repeated readings, beautiful singing, and the porting of collected clothing.
Christopher DeLaurenti, N30:Live at the WTO, 19.30 65 minutes
I should add that this drawing was done in the dark, so I couldn't see it being made, I was solely aware of the boundaries of the page/sketchbook by touch alone. The writing reflects on the page what sides of the room that I was hearing the recordings. Predominantly the loudest noises/words/(the demonstrators) were coming from the right, with the Police Radio Off the the left and upwards. Fascinating experience, half embodying the recorded event.
Iain Campbell - 20.45, 15 minutes (10 minutes)
An expression of conditioned helplessness from mass media/consumption.
Florian Hecker, Speculative Solution, 23.10, 40 minutes
Marvellous. Most active and creative audience participation.
Neil Davidson, 22.00, 15 minutes
Spontaneous combustible sound.
Catherine Christer Hennix, Zero Time, 22.25, 65 minutes (continuous loop)
Intense. Most appreciated it from lying down stance.
Tam Dean Burn/Resonance Radio, Carpark/Clydeside/Bridge/Science Museum Coffee Break, 12.20 - 14.10 Random listening and notetaking.
Garlic Fart Bubbles not included. But just about as comforting.
More written notes added tomorrow. Perhaps.
Suffice to say, was a much more resonating experience during the 2nd day/evening of Instal.