Thursday 14 February 2008

Projectorfest, by the way...

It's come to my attention, that a couple of press articles may have been directing 'Projector' traffic to look at this site - "Ye Gads! Be Gone!" Where you actually want to go is which is where you'll fine oodles of doodles, links, photos, banter and tasty factoids all in one attractive online package. All it needs is some music really.

Anyway, enough about me.

Story so far, it's February, I'm 'teaching' a bunch of teachers some drawing activities later today. Basically we're just gonna have some fun with drawing. Should be a blast and looking forward to it.

Have moved to Glasvegas, in a very cute wee house populated by my 2, soon to be 3 other flatmates and a foxy dog called Basil, complete with presumed Fox paternage. If that's a word?! Ha ha.

Anyway, up in Resipole at the moment, the mecca of mountains and calm and sea salt air and oak woods and lovely friends.

This is my minor place.

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