Tuesday, 8 March 2011

International Women's Day, Loop and Inspirational Women

The following are the 16 drawings created between 10am and 10pm.
It was a very emotional day.

Glasgow Women's Library - What's your Dream Library?

Daniella Nardini reads from 'Women Who Run With Wolves'

Kate E.Deeming - Women Dancing - Why We Have, Why We Should

Kate E.Deeming - Women Dancing - Why We Have, Why We Should - The Dance Off

Dancers of Scotland with Kim Moore and Robin Masson

Dancers of Scotland with Kim Moore and Robin Masson 2

Dancers of Scotland with Kim Moore and Robin Masson 3

Circle Dancing - The Main thing to remember is to keep moving the way you are currently facing

Maryhill Integration Network - Costumes From Around The World

The Men Folk - Half The Sky

The Madrigirls

Cora Bisset - Stitched Up

Skye Reynolds and Florencia Garcia Chafuen Rigg - Secrets

Pauline Goldsmith - The Ukeladies

Lisa Fannen - Dialogue

The Final Dance to Adopted As Holograph

Well, I've just come back from drawing all day at the Tramway. 10 am - 11pm with an hour away for an errand, and half an hour for an interview and quick dinner break.

It's been bloody intense, emotional, exhausting, inspirational, enlightening, fun, sad, moving, captivating, involving and momentous.

Females and Males of all different shapes, sizes, ages, inclinations, colour, culture, innovation and creativity proliferating the epic yet cosy performance space peppered with the awe inducing collection of 20 million 'stitches' - multicoloured woollen patches presented and curated in various forms taking over the Tramway like guerilla knitted elastoplast for the soul. 20 million stitches of the 100 million that signify the amount of women missing in the world today.

'It is estimated that 100 million women are missing from the world today for reasons of gender discrimination. These reasons include: gender provoked infanticide and abortion, the sex slave industry, and the channelling of resources and medical care to the men in communities first (eg vaccinations). They include the consequences of poor education, and preventable complications in child birth, and conditions like fistula.'

At least 15 drawings were created of - but not all - the 100 events that were due to happen today. I do need to check them tomorrow. For now though, rain battering on my bedroom window, it's time to rest in a dark room with no expectations, for a new day tomorrow.

To my mum, nana, sister, good friends and to all the other great and deserving women in the world, Happy International Women's Day. I doff my cap to you all.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Looking forward to seeing your drawings from what sounds like an amazing, inspirational and creative day!